Mario Pellicano Castagna
of Caulonia
Ancient Castelvetere, whose origins probably lie in late Roman
or Byzantine times, faced the Medieval era with all the doubts
and uncertainties which are common to many inhabited areas in
southern Italy and for the knowledge of which we need not consult
historical literature or other sources of information.
The same sources from the years five and six-hundred, to which
too much credit has been assigned, not only don’t help us to
fill an emptiness spanning more than a century, but they seem
also to be entirely refuted by more recent historical critique
and by the archaeological findings at Capo Stilo.Furthermore,
these sources have never offered any positive and concrete information
regarding the beginnings of the new citadel. Therefor, we are
effectively left with only its name, Castrum Vetus, and that
is really not much to go by when researching a relative antiquity.
Other citadels in Campania (Castelvetere
di Val Fortore in the province of Benevento and Castelvetere
sul Calore in the province of Avellino) and in Basilicata (Vietri
di Potenza) have been discovered, in coeval documents, to have
the same name as Castelvetere. This led the local historians
astray, among whom Prota, into believing correct the insertion
of a certain Malgerio di Altavilla, whose presence is greatly
doubted because of the unreliable qualities of the document
linked to him, or the insertion of one Roberto de Vetro or even
a member of the Muscatello family, among the series of feudal
lords of Castelvetere. None of them has any connection to our
land. Even the name of the Filangieri family seems an unacceptable
option, the document regarding them, also having serious doubts
cast on it. So much more for the fact that the year 1262 is
covered by another famous name: Galvano Lancia, a close relation
to King Manfredi and certainly lord of Castelvetere in parish
of Gerace. He came to a sad end six years later in Rome, hung
along with his son Galeotto, following the battle of Tagliacozzo.We
are already in the angioman era and the darkness is beginning
to spread, at least regarding the feudal system, which often
represents the least obscure part of a town’s history. The names
of the provençal Matteo de Hyères (de Era or de Area 1269-72),
Scarano di Taranto (1272-78), Ancel and Hervè de Chevreuse,
father and son (1278-c.1283), are certainly feudal lords of
Castelvetere and they fill the first years of reign of Carlo
Immediately following them, during the first phase of the Vespro
war, Castelvetere, probably for the first time, enters the spotlight
in a regional context. It was repeatedly defended, captured
and recaptured by the Sicilian army led by Ruggero di Lauria
(1283-1302).Another period of uncertainty followed this one,
until 1331 when we find Castelvetere, as a part ofthe Ruffo
dominion. They ruled as counts of Catanzaro then as marquises
of Cotrone and were tied to the history of the region until
their disappearance in 1466. The Ruffo family invested some
of their most loyal followers with feudal honours: Tarsia (1331)
went to Giovanni de Bosco whom Zangari wrongly believes to be
lord of Castelvetere. Landolfo or Sant’Alessandro(1429 or 1439)
was given to Vincio Lucifero, a Cotronese by birth who delt
with the Terza family and the Lucano family.The most salient
episode, although still unclear, is the siege laid against the
rebellious marquis of Cotrone, Antonio Centelles, husband of
the last Ruffo, in 1445 by one Cardona who defeated him at his
last stronghold in Castelvetere. To aid his cause, King Alfonso
stripped Centelle of his land and titles in February 1445.
The name Regio Demanio becomes very popular in Castelvetere
around this time along with Galeotto Baldaxi, who has wrongly
been recognised as the first marquis of Castelvetere because
he was only Governor. He was known as a valorous soldier fighting
alongside king Alfonso. He did not hesitate to fight against
his heir during the war of 1459-62 where he was proved to be
pitiless, ravaging the land and villages until his flight back
to his homeland Sicily. Centelles then briefly appeared again
(1462-66) followed by R. Demanio representing Giacomo Carafa,
a neapolitan patrician whose mausoleum is still standing. He
also was a valorous and honourable soldier who gained recognition
during the wars of Alfonso and those of Ferrante I, in which
he was accompanied by his son Vincenzo. The King honoured him
and his descendants with the lands, buildings and the entire
estate of Castelvetere (7th May 1479) adding to that
Roccella one year later. It seems that Giacomo Carafa did not leave good memories behind
him. He was known as a despotic and authoritarian man. His son
Vincenzo (1489-1526) had a difficult time, his lands being invaded
by Carlo VIII and following him, Ferdinando il Cattolico, who
ended the aragonese dynasty. It seems possible that Castelvetere
took advantage of these difficulties to shake up the ruling
system and it took an order placing Jacopo Conti in power to
bend the town bak into obedience (4th December 1496).
To obtain this order some precise guarantees were demanded and
accorded, one of these was the restitution of titles and privileges
belonging to their predecessors, most of which had been removed
from two of the most eminent citizens, Cola and Antonio de Girace
(Hyeraci), by the Carafa family.The Carafa dominion was reconfirmed
by the Catholic King (1505) and by Carlo V (1521), indeed it
grew and expanded through acquisition and succession until it
became an important element in the Calabrian feudal system lasting
until the eversive laws of 1806. The so called modern age, which
begins roughly with the instalment of the vice-kingdom, enables
an introspective and profound analysis of municipal, civil,
religious and economic aspects of life, therefor also of the
relationships and disputes with the feudal apparatus, with the
internal administration, with the social classes etc.
seem to have been regulated by the so called Pandette drawn
up by both Vincenzo Carafa in 1514 and his son GiovanBattista
(1526-1552), first marquis of Castelvetere. Despite their being
valorous soldiers and faithful to King CarloV and despite their
tragic end, the Pandette must be recognised as setting quite
a favourable compromise in the matter of the citizens’ freedom.
These first Pandette were subsequently substituted or integrated
with those of Carlo Maria Carafa Branciforte (born in Castelvetere
on the 26th February 1651-1st July 1695),
the literate, physicist, urbanist, paternalistic, upright, intransigent
prince who had his subjects welfare truly at heart.Because any good law is not necessarily so without applying conscience
and scruple, it has to be noted that the baronial house was
constantly present throughout the XVII century, as documented
by the baptising records of the church of Santa Maria dei Minnati
and that this other than helping civil relationships, create
family goodwill and calm lifestyles, also calmed if not eliminated
the bitterness and heartlessness of the governors who made up
the marquis’s administration, judges and financial counsellors
which was quite a common trait of the era.The Carafa
family had a very strong hold on their domain which became,
as did Roccella with the gerosolomitian Priorato, a kind of
parallel second power which oversaw the religious life of the
town by means of a thick web of churches, chapels, altars, privileges
and above all by means of the Deanship, a considerable wealth
spinner as well as moral authority whose position was constantly
occupied by other members of the family. Among these there were
Carlo seniore (+1644) and Carlo juniore (+1680), his nephew,
respectively, Archbishop of Aversa and Cardinal of S.R.C.The university (otherwise, municipality) was administered similarly
to all the other establishments of the kingdom on the basis
of a system regulated by precise rules and as part of a municipal
body, the regiment, elected by the gathered citizens in a public
parliament. These elections occurred, as expressed by B. Croce:
“…in the midst of most people’s disinterest and few people’s
frauds”.Under this aspect, Castelvetere shows a characteristic
profile of its history, worthy of attention: the rigid separation
of social classes which finds expression in the double syndicate,
where there are a mayor and representatives elected by the nobility
and a second mayor with representatives elected by the people,
the latter bearing much more subordinate and unimportant responsibilities.This
Separate Nobility, with wealth, census, privileges and sub-feudal
investitures was faithful ultimately to the royal house who
dictated and monopolised public life under all its different
We are aware of the names of the components of the royal family
through the parish documents and printed works, among which
that of father Fiore (who lived in Castelvetere for many years
in the Cappuccino convent and who was a sharp observer of lical
life) and that of Apprezzo del Gallerani from 1707.We also know
that as the years wore on, many of these families disappeared,
either extinct or expatriated, leaving only ten residents divided
into 18 heads of the family still inscribed in the 1755 Onciario.
Only Asciutti, Hyerace, Musco and Sergio survive until today.This
made the changing of people to cover the roles more and more
difficult because there no longer were many. These roles therefor
had to be covered by the same people year after year. The other
side of the coin however, shows that the times were changing,
seeking new outlets and innovations.In this atmosphere, some
non-noble families came into the limelight in Castelvetere for
reasons such as census rights and doctorate titles and were
considered acceptable to reinvigorate the old patrician class
and were requested to be integrated. It is unclear how the prince
Gennaro Carafa Cantelmo Stuart went about accepting these elements,
nor whether he wanted to annoy the old nobility and impose his
authority or gain new alliances.
The nobles, on their behalf, were divided as well. Some, like
the baron Fonte, were willing to accept and others, the majority,
led by the Musco family, were against the integration. The situation
was so unheard of that the echos and comments reverberated round
the nearby towns and resulting in a written official document
by the Nobles of Stilo who expressed surprise at the opposition.The
issue ended after many years and two victims with an agreement
stating that the integration was to be accepted but that the
position of mayor of the nobles was to be held only by one of
the original patricians.

The French decade which opened the next century, while ending
feudalism, also eliminated the ancient syndicate institution
which had represented, for better or for worse, the freedom
of expression of the people. In its place they instated the
decurionate, a restricted oligarchy of families meticulously
examined on the basis of their census and subsequently irremovable,
from which, for decades, until the unification, all the mayors
and counsellors were chosen. This is where the happenings of
Castelvetere end and where those of today’s Caulonia begin.
A new name, incomprehensible and unnatural, which has nothing
to do with its recent past (nearly a millennium).
list of feudal lords of Castelvetere and the owners of the title
of marquis until present times*
Galvano Lancia (c. 1262-1268)
Matteo de Hyeres (c. 1269-1271)
Scarano di Taranto (1271-c. 1278)
Ancel de Chevreuse (e. 1278- …)
Hervè de Chevreuse perhaps Ancel’s son
Ruffo di Calabria, Count of Catanzaro (c. 1331 + 1340)
Antonello Ruffo di Calabria, son, same title
(1340 + 1377)
Nicolò Ruffo di Calabria, son, same title
and Marquis of Cotrone (1377 + c.1434)
Giovannella Ruffo di Calabria, daughter, same
titles (1434 + 1435)
Enrichetta Ruffo di Calabria, sister,
same titles, wife of
Antonio Centelles Ventimiglia, same titles
(married 1441, removed from office 1445)
Regio Governor Galeotto Baldaxi (between
1445 and 1462)
Antonio Centelles Ventimiglia, same as
previous, (reinstated 1462, removed 1466)
of the Carafa family (1479-1806)
Giacomo Carafa, 1st Baron
of Castelvetere (7.V. 1479 + 8.6.1489)
Vincenzo Carafa, son, same title and
1st count of Grotteria (1489 + 5.9.1526)
GiovanBattista Carafa, son, 2nd
Marquis of Castelvetere (5.6.1530+17.12.1552)
Geronimo Carafa, son, 2nd
Marquis (1552+28.8.1570)
Fabrizio Carafa, son, 3rd
Marquis and 1st Price of roccella from 24.3.1594
Geronimo II Carafa, son, 4th
Marquis etc. (1629+22.10.1652)
Fabrizio II Carafa, son, 5th
Marquis etc. (1652+24.2.1671)
Carlo Maria Carafa Branciforte, son,
6th Marquis, etc. (1671+1.7.1695)
Giulia Carafa Branciforte, sister, 6th
Marquis etc. (1695+4.12.1703)
From 1703 to 1707 controversy between
R. Fisco and the House of d’Avalos regarding the succession
of the States of Roccella.
Vincenzo Carafa, 3rd Duke
of Bruzzano, recognised heir of the House of Roccella 3th June
7th Marquis of Castelvetere
Gennaro M. Carafa Cantelmo Stuart, son,
9th March (1726+31.10.1767)
Vincenzo Carafa Cantelmo Stuart, son,
10th Marquis, (1767, last feudal lord hit by the
eversive laws, +20.3.1814)
Simple title holders from 1806 until
Gennaro Carafa Cantelmo Stuart, son of
the last, 11th Marquis of Castelvetere etc. (1814
+ 10.11.1851)
Vincenzo Carafa Cantelmo Stuart, son,
12th Marquis (1851+19.7.18799
Gennaro Carafa Cantelmo Stuart, son,
13th Marquis, (1879+24.9.1903
Luigi Carafa Cantelmo Stuart, brother,
already Count of Grotteria, 14th Marquis, etc. (1903+7.5.1913)
Vincenzo Carafa Cantelmo Stuart, son,
15th Marquis (1918+16.10.1918)
Gennaro Carafa Cantelmo Stuart, son 16th
Marquis (1918+1982)
Carafa Cantelmo Stuart, nephew ex-frate of previously deceased
Luigi, born 1945, living in Milan, todays 17th Marquis
of Castelvetere.
Recent studies have discovered that Scarano di taranto was not
a feudal lord of Castelvetere, but a landholder in Castelvetere
(R. Fuda) and that, to the list of feudal lords, the names of
Giovanni de Bosco and Leone de Regio must be added)